Tuesday, July 24, 2007

76th post

How will you age?

Have you seen anything new and exciting on channel 77 on Astro? On the off chance my kids are behaving badly, I get to confiscate the tv remote and watch MY channel for a change, and boy oh boy, there is some pretty scary stuff on tv these days...I particularly love watching face lifts and tummy tucks being performed, and marvel at how one's boozing and partying lifestyle can age one in a matter of computer simulated minutes. It's so fascinating! Everytime I tune in, there's a fat show on - if it's not teenage fat camp, it's some disturbingly obese group of people on a cruise ship trying to bootcamp themselves into shape.

The best one was this show about an Aussie mom and her gargantuan son, trying to change their atrocious eating habits. It was a little sad. I mean, I saw that and thought, is it just laziness, to feed your family all these processed, fat laden foods, or is it a socio economic issue that families from a mid-lower income bracket just can't afford to buy fresh food and produce.....?

To say that it was an issue of time constraint for food preperation, well, the mom was a homemaker. So, hello?!! I work, work-out and cook all our meals (granted, I don't do laundry, wash windows and all the other tedious stufflah). I deduce, that perhaps it's a lethal combo of laziness and ignorance, but here I'm just being judgemental (hello Shaz??? - read your previous blog! aherm). Or maybe, these people just LOVE to eat a lot of cheese sandwiches and fries.

Man, speaking of which, fries are currently on my list of banned substances, along with cocaine, crystal meth and Coffee Mate. I watched How Will You Age and decided to turn my life around. Seriously. I got two doctors to check me out and since I started actively following their advice, my jeans are looser and the inflammation in my feet mostly gone. I must say, having a supportive spouse helps. :-) He doesn't complain when I make a pot roast without any mash - he's cool with boiled veggies and a salad. He even ate the beef curry I made without any rice!!! I know that's sacriligious to most of you, but hey! I'm on a diet lah!!! He endeavours to join Bugly and I on our twice daily walks, which is great, coz his stride is larger than mine and I have to work harder to keep up!

If you've been looking to improve your fitness or health, or just to sit and watch a couple of home truths, check out 77. I love Shalom in the Home and Adoption Story. [God, I'm turning into my mother!]

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