Sunday, July 22, 2007

32nd post


Sophie turned 3 months old yesterday (sept 14th) and not only that, she literally turned! From her back to her front!Such a clever little girl! Was I chuffed!We must've made a bit of fuss because Milo didn't like it and slapped his sister in the face. She screamed blue bloody murder and wouldn't be pacified. Now she frets and starts to cry when he comes within striking distance.His royal green-eyed monster gets very jealous if he sees me or Nanny holding Sophie...he screams to be held and if I'm sitting, he'll think nothing of lanyakking his sister to get on my lap too. Macam mana nih!?? I must confess I was rather angry with him when he slapped his sister and my natural reaction was to smack him back and see if he appreciates the treatment...but you only get violence from violence. Plus, he'll start screaming, too and I already had a headache. And it's not on lah, right? What do you all do? I'd like to know.And...from being such a nice little sleeper, sleeping through the night from 7pm - 7 am, he's getting up TWICE a night now. Fuuuuuuuuudge.......

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