Sunday, July 22, 2007

16th post

thank you thank you thank you!

Wow! I walked into the studio this morning and there were hampers EVERYWHERE! Thank you, God, for all the abundance in my life.Thank you to the lovely people at Parenthood Magazine, Hamil Magazine, Johnson & Johnson, Pigeon, Revlon, Wyeth, Palmer's Cocoa Butter and Garden of Eden. I feel so pampered! Oh, and thank you Nila, for delivering the hampers when I couldn't make the Spa Party!Thank you, Mr Boon of Patchi in Bangsar Shopping Centre for the lovely Patchi chocolates!Thank you to Chilli's in Bangsar for not charging a fussy pregnant lady for a soggy Ranch Burger!Thank you to the lady who let me withdraw cash at the RHB atm in BSC ahead of her because I looked tired standing in line!Thank you Allie for sending me your maid to clean my kitchen and water my garden when Joy took off, and also for sending all that lovely food over so I didn't have to cook! (pssst! keep it coming! heehee)And thank you, YES! YOU, for the lovely wishes, cards, and messages that you always send truly makes my day!A BIG THANK YOU to Richard - in advance! - for holding down the fort when I go away on maternity leave!!! You are BRAVE, my friend! May the Force, bladibla bladiblaa bla blaaa....!

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