Monday, July 23, 2007

54th post

sore b.side much for the New Year's resolution to keep up the fitness program....I have a SORE A$$ just from climbing a couple of rocks at Ulu Yam over the weekend!At first, I couldn't fathom why my butt and thighs hurt so bad...then I remembered the 'physical exertion' (hah!) of clamouring over rocks, then wading in thigh high 'rapids' (!?) with a 2 year old clutching on me boobs for dear life. I guess my body's just not used to the exercise! Damn! I can feel the muscles in my backside I didn't know existed!Anyway, it was a really lovely trip down to Ulu Yam, I'll post some pictures later. How nice to have a lovely picnic spot so close to the city. Please tell me if you know of other spots I can take the kids to on the weekend! WE are SICK of the malls.

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