Sunday, July 22, 2007

38th post

Blonde Bond

In the news today, Daniel Craig has been hailed as the BEST James Bond EVER.


See? All you naysayers...who said he was not fit to shine Pierce Brosnan's brosnans! Blonde Bond rules! Na nanana naaaaa!

I got a little hot and bothered when Anu said the other day that she couldn't fathom WHY I found Craig so apt for the role.

In her words: "He's so smarmy".

My husband said, "He looks like a Russian sea port thug" (he's just jealous).

I think Craig is apt for the role because he adds a gritty sex appeal lacking in the last two Bonds. I mean, Brosnan was ok, suave, debonair, he had oil in his hair and all that rot, but he was too debonair lah. Tim Dalton was just wrong wrong wrong. Give me gritty any day.
(Check out Daniel Craig in Munich and Layer Cake)

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