Sunday, July 22, 2007

14th post

An end to Joy

Alas, Joy is no more. I'm not talking about joy - happiness, joy...that, we have plenty of, now that the lunatic psychopath maid of ours is gone. I'm talking about JOY the Maid...she's gone.
To make a verry long story short...she tried to run away on Sunday morning, while we were out, but our security staff stopped her, called me on my mobile phone and detained her there until we came back. Champion!!! I'm kind of sick repeating the story, so the long and short of it is - we packed her up and sent her back to the agency camp pronto - with threats to stop off at the police station on the way there!
This ungrateful woman had planned the whole neighbours had seen her consorting with some other maids in the area...and because she doesn't have Sunday leave, she must have 'pakat' with them to ciao that morning (because they must have leave to go out to church), when we normally go out for breakfast. Among the things she had done was hijack our Telekom Malaysia house phone bill and a letter addressed to me from the maid agency containing her immigration work permit (blue-card). She did the first to cover her tracks as she was making calls to the Fillipines and a local 016 number (I went to TM Shop to get an itemised bill), and she obviously had no intention to be a housemaid for long if she had planned to steal her permit and run.I am just SO GRATEFUL that our security staff are so on the ball and quick acting. We sent them a commendation letter and a huge goodie hamper for a job well done! Their actions saved us a lot of problems and headaches. You know, sometimes you hear horror stories about security guards stealing, helping maids to run away, etc, but our guys are really good and take pride in their job. That's seems rare these days, considering what I just went through.
Anyway, the search is now on for a replacement maid...again.
Drama, drama...

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