Monday, July 23, 2007

55th post

slapper (for lack of a better header)

I'm actually writing this as I'm doing Ross's Drivetime shift! Ooo-errr! This feels so BIZARRE...I feel like I'm actually channeling Ross and about to spew forth last night's footie scores, London-accent alllll....hee hee! V. v. strange indeed.Anyway, hope you guys had a great Chinese New Year. Ours was verrrry quiet. Couldn't get away on account of Ross being on leave, but that's ok....more inevitable annual leave for moi.....!Speaking of which, we've decided to cash in our winning ticket from Club Med Kani Maldives this April - God, I am so excited! My sister will be down from the States with her brood, so she's going to shack up at my house, with my brood while we're away for a week! Yaaaaay! Free babysitting! I just hope Milo's not too much of a nuisance, he's going through a 'phase'.... It's the 'angkat tangan' know, like when you tell him off or something, his immediate reaction would be to angkat his tangan and try to whack you? That phase. Yeah. I've gotten a call from school already. Yikes.I could say, "Milo, please don't terajang your little sister like that" in the sweetest tone, and he'll hurl himself (from whichever part of the room) within arm's length of you in this superhero stance. It's quite funny actually, but I can imagine what this must look like to another parent whose precious toddler is in the same class as him! Alamak, if you're a parent with a precious toddler in the same class as Milo, please accept my profoundest apologies in advance! We are working on it. Really, we are.
Gong Xi Fatt Choy!


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