Tuesday, July 24, 2007

73rd post

Soul Mate, anyone?

I've been wanting to post this little 'tip' for all of you who want to find, or recognise your True Soul Mate for the longest time. A message from Liv on the message board has prompted me to do it now. It's a prayer of sorts...please feel free to use a different header...

Dear Universe,
I am ready and willing to meet my true Soul Mate NOW. Let him/her be .....(list of qualities like: kind, generous, faithful, funny, rich, sexxxy, handsome, beautiful, smart, ambitious, etc). [here, you can even highlight specifics like - let him/her be SINGLE!!! great in bed, loves kids, great cook, enjoys the things I like, etc...YOU make a detailed list!]
Let us be compatible at all levels, in mind, body and spirit.
Let us both recognise each other when we meet.
Thank You, for bringing this person into my life Now!
I ask for this, for the Highest Good of All.Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Simple enough, isn't it? Hold on...there's more. You've got to BELIEVE he's/she's already HERE. You gotta feel that love thang....you know, the thing that makes your heart sing and walk on air...you have to feel lurvvvvve, baby....! Ok, if you think this is cheesy....tak pelah...Stay lonely and all by yourself! It's really lovely to wallow in self pity and continue b!!tching to all your attached friends a la Bridget Jones, but trust me....the 3 people I've given this (aherm!) Secret to, it worked for them, they all found/recognised their soul mates within a year and are happily married now, with people they are compatible with!!! Yeah, the Secret Cult of Shazmin membership is open to all...heh heh hehhhh.....

Trust that the Universe conspires for Your greater good.
Have a fabulous day, my people.

June 20th 2007

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