Monday, July 23, 2007

56th post

utterly incredible!

Anyone who knows me, knows I love my sleep. My night time sleep. And anyone who knows me knows I went to great lengths to 'encourage' (as opposed to 'train') my kids to go to sleep on their own, in their own rooms, and to sleep through the entire night.Now, this is upsetting. For both Sophie and Milo, I loosely followed Gina Ford's methods in her book "The New Contented Baby book". I found the outline for daytime napping and feeding quite sensible. I was never militant about following it to the tee, but somehow, we managed to get our little nippers on a good sleeping routine that works even now (7pm - 6.45am). I ritually lend out my copy to friends, so much so this book is in tatters (sorry Richard! Gotta go buy your own!)! The methods outlined in this book, well has stirred up a lot of debate. Everywhere. Particularly on one of my fave websites. What's amazing is that the author has really freaked out about what people are saying about her and wants to shut down the website! Needless to say, it's now an issue about freedom of speech, not so much her childcare methods. Though these events happened like 6 months ago, it's news to me. If you have the time, check it out. It makes for incredible (incredulous!!!) reading.

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