Sunday, July 22, 2007

22nd post

my world cup $0.02

Whaaaaatlah...this has got to be the strangest World Cup ever.

Imagine...France couldn't even score against Switzerland in the first round, yet managed to beat Brazil.Brazil laah, hello!!!?The mind boggles.A lot of weird/wierd (a bit dyslexic today) inconsistencies throughout this year's WC I say, but nevermind me....I ain't no (aherm!) football pundit (sniggersniggersnigger). By the by, how does one become an expert on the subject? Does one have had to have played football at some professional level to be able to legitimately (not to mention convincingly and intelligently) comment on the subject? Is it enough to have clocked millions of hours watching and studying the game and its players from the relative comfort of one's couch? Or does mere passion and enthusiasm qualify one to have a valid opinion? It seems to me that everyone's a pundit these days. Even me - I'm a celebrity gossip pundit! I can offer my 2 cents on the longevity of the Brangelina and/or TomKat liason, or the next celebrity/"mystery-meat" to get it on with Jude Law/Olivier Martinez/Lindsay Lohan...all based solely on sheer morbid interest and a longstanding observation of celebrity happenings from (yes!) the comfort of my own couch!

So I guess I just answered my own question.

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