Thursday, August 16, 2007

oodles of poodles and cashoodles

I've been busy reading lately, and hence the lack of a new post here, but you guys enjoyed the picture of Milo staggering blindly without his pants on (below) didn't you? Ah well, always out to entertain the masses, I tell you.

Like someone with attention deficit disorder, I'm currently reading 4 books simultaneously: 1) Marley and Me, 2) some internet marketing book that promises to make you a millionaire (but only IF you take up their various e-seminars and buy their tools), 3) The Secret Keeper's Daughter, and 4) Poodles (a book about the breed).

Oklah, the last one I bought on a whim because I saw the cutest poodle puppy at Midvalley but my hubs said "OVER-MY-DEAD-BODY!", so there goes that idea, but really, I'm not crazy over small dogs either, but this dog was Cuteness Personified. I'm learning that Poodles are one of the most intelligent breeds of dog and don't shed their fur. You can teach a poodle to crap in a litter box! Wow. Amazing.

Rabbits can also be taught to crap in a litter box, but seeing as we've not managed to teach ours to do that, I guess I should just be happy with my lot. It's a bit of a zoo at my house, anyway!

Now, I'm on page 68 or thereabouts on the Internet Marketing book by some dodgy-looking Singaporean guy in a Nehru dinner jacket and I can't - for the LIFE of me - understand the concept AT ALL. Hmmm... I must be really stupid because, I'm really straining to understand it, you know? Coz, like, I too wanna be an Internet Millionaire???!! Hallo??! *sniggering madly*

I would LOVE to hear what you think of I.M. I'm sure you have an opinion on the subject. I just want to understand it. (brain, work!)

Monday, August 13, 2007

anak aku

This is my eccentric little man. He insisted he wanted to keep his visor on and pants off. His girlfriend Anais is in the background. She puts up with his oddball ways.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

another week begins......

Whoa....must get back on track....must get back on track....

I refrained from eating a Big Apple donut all week, only to succumb to those coconut-covered chocolate balls (I had 2!) at Ikea - and they weren't even good! Sheeesh, must learn to pick my vices...

Anyway, we had a great weekend...digging hols in the garden planting new plants (see Swissie's blog for pictures) and shopping for garden furniture - we went all the way to Subang Parade because my mum said she recalled there being a furniture shop on the top floor. Well, we travelled all the way from Sg Buloh to Subang Parade and discovered that where there was a furniture mall now stands a Celebrity Fitness! O-kaaaay...that put an end to that little expedition.... I ignored the subtle universal message (ie. the gym) and we went to Ikea instead - konon-kononnya to look for these outdoor chairs/table -but really, I just wanted to eat some meatballs.

It's really great to see some old friends - and make new ones - here on this blog. I'll try and pick up more nifty little computer tricks to spruce this website up a bit!

Have a great week!!! Eat meat!


Friday, August 10, 2007

take the poll!

Would you rather....take the poll and:
a) dance around it
b) not touch something vile with it even if it was 10 feet long
c) see how you can make really "tough" decisions
Scroll below, look right and...have fun!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Glazing it over...

My sister read my latest post and said, "Read your blog re. benua gelap - man, you can stand as a Nationalistic Party candidate (or even a member of the UK Conservative Party). But I see what you mean - very creepy to have some guy tailing you. Quite impressed by your Malay though...". And I thought, wow, so right. Some person who doesn't know me reading that post may see me like a Pauline Hanson fan or purist. I am not, I'm all for diversity. Just don't kacau my shopping and eating forays in the mall...

Speaking of which, I've SO got BIG APPLE Donuts & Coffee on the brain....! I cannot function at the moment, counting down the days to my 'cheat-day' (I'm on the protein diet at the mo) so I can toddle (or waddle?!) off to Big Apple at The Curve to eat my one glazed donut!!!! *shiver*....Sedap gilerr.... Have you guys tried it? My, at first I was sceptical...but when I sank my teeth into one of those babies, I was converted. So was Daniel and Milo! Oklah, I AM a bit of a purist; I like mine plain and just glazed, but Daniel likes the chocolate one with the mocho filling and Milo will eat anything. Sophie didn't eat hers on account she was already in bed when we came home from the mall, but she's an easy kid to feed. So is Milo, since he was happy to eat her share! LOL


Well, the protein diet is paying off...I started in the last week of June and today, Aug 10th, I'm 4 kg lighter! My orthopaedic doctor commented that I looked great and the pain in both feet has more or less disappeared. It comes back to bite me in the nose when I eat too many sausages (it's the salt/msg/preservatives/crap that they put in them), but otherwise, I think I'm CURED!!!!! Yaaay! I am soooo envisaging myself at 58kg by December. My mantra is:

"58, 58, 58!...I AM at my Perfect Weight!" me just get back to my Big Apple fantasy....

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A diatribe on the tribe

Ok, the post you are about to read may offend some and totally reveal my latent racist and paranoid you feel you may get offended, please do bugger off and read Oliviasy's blog (ha ha) instead. Don't say I didn't warn you, ah.

In fact, this stuff is SO hot...I'm going to switch languages so orang luar yang berkenaan dan tidak berkenaan tidak boleh nak baca dan menimbulkan huru-hara. After all, these are just MY feelings and take on the whole thing, based on my horrible experience.

I must first, however, apologise for mangling our national language and my mother tongue in advance. Despite my score of A2 in my SPM examinations in 1991, I still suck. Don't even mention Syarifah Amani; let's not go there (haha).

Baiklah, you all ada perasan tak sejak kebelakangan ini, punyalah ramai "pelajar-pelajar" dari benua gelap yang datang ke sini dan merayau-rayau di sekitar bandar. Malahan (che wah, my BM not too bad lah), mereka yang sepatutnya berada di kuliah masing-masing, bekerja di tempat seperti TGIF dan merempat di merata-rata tempat. Ini takdelah jadi masaalah, cuma yang tidak menyenangkan saya adalah perangai setengah-setengah daripada JANTAN mereka yang KURANG AJAR. Case in point: (sorry, must switch back to English for literary efficacy and effect)...

I was walking around One Utama one afternoon last week, wanting to check out the sales by myself, coz god knows if I bring the kids and hubby, tak senang aku nak shopping! So, as I was walking from store to store, I noticed from the corner of my eye that this thuggish yet blingin' character was checking me out - which was creepy in itself - but he had begun to follow me. The quicker I walked, the quicker he walked! I practically RAN into Marks & Spencer, and there he was, like it was perfectly normal to be tailing some lone woman from one end of the mall to the other! I was really freaked out, and PISSED, because, a) I really wanted to buy something and look at clothes, and b) I get really ANGRY when I'm scared, don't know why, but some people are wired differently I guess. So I reckon he knew I knew he was following me - he was pretending to shop, for God's sake!, but I kept glaring at him. He then had the cheek to act like he just saw me, and proceeded to try and chat me up.
At which I raised my hand before he could finish (a la 'talk to the hand coz the face don't give a damn'), and said, "F**k Off, don't you dare talk to me and if you don't stop following me, I'll scream and get the security guards!".

That did it, and I was able to leave M&S without being trailed by this guy.

Now, my impression from this whole thing was that, a) he thought he was all that and a bagga chips, knowwhatI'msayin', b) Malaysian women MUST be easy, c) nobody is safe from harrassment.

Another case in point: Also at One Utama, I had the misfortune of lunching alone at TGIF a few weeks earlier and my waiter was this guy yang sama bangsa dengan penyangak tadi tu. The whole time he was 'serving' me, he gave me the distinct impression that he wanted to throw me down on the table, rip off my clothes, and eat me alive. Now, as flattering as that can be for some, for me it was just an invasion of my personal space and showed a lack of service training. I gave this guy my most withering aunty look like I could so totally see right through him, at which he stopped being a twat and served me properly. What was up with THAT? Do these people think they're hot or something???? I mean, gosh Will Smith is hot. But....hello????! Sheeeesh. Give me a break lah.

Now, please don't get me wrong. A prude I am not. Kinda like, been there, bought the tshirt, know whatI'msayin' But what offends me delicate little sensibilities is that...the sanctcity of the pick up...has been shattered! It wasn't like I was in some seedy night club looking to hook up, I was shopping in broad day light and eating in a family restaurant! Is there no shame?! No RESPECT?! No bloody COMMON SENSE? For God's sake, I even LOOK like somebody's harassed mother!

Back to the bigger problem, not that you all think that strange guys trying to pick me up at OU is a life and death situation for all to ponder on. The question is: kenapa kerajaan kita ni bagi dia orang ni masuk? AS IF lah dia orang ni pelajar legit. Please lah. Kenapa dia orang ni datang ke sini, dalam banyak-banyak tempat?

Mesti dadah punya pasal.

You see, ekonomi sini kan sudah bagus...yaddayaddayadda, you all know the storylah. Besok, tak lama lagi in the near future (sorry, was that statement redundant?), we're going to have a bigger drug issue in this country - when MY KIDS and YOURS are in their teens - an issue that could be NICKED IN THE BUD today, if only someone smart in the education department or immigration (good luck) would just STOP this madness. Look, I'm all in favour of people immigrating to better their lot, but when I observe young predatory males like these who are obviously smart/scheming enough to find a way out of their beleaguered countries to come here (and we've all seen Tears of the Sun and Blood Diamonds!), I beg to wonder how much culture they are bringing along. By culture, you know what I meanlah. Just look at the rising crime rate in Taman Desa and the reports in the dailies.

Ok, now that that's off my chest - I shall abruptly stop this diatribe. I will probably get into hot soup for all that I've said, but c'monlah.... we're all thinking it. Huh?

Monday, August 6, 2007

Am I da man!????

Check out these glow in the dark beauties!!!!

I was busy googling 'relective tape' and this is the best website I've found:
...but only a loony like me would bother looking for stuff like this...

Sunday, August 5, 2007

I'm in a relective mood...

It's 2.25am and I was tossing and turning thinking about the 3 Big Apple donuts still in the fridge.

I decided to put myself out of my own misery and eat one of them, and I still can't sleep so here I am. Also, my latest obsession is keeping me up - reflective stickers!

Ok, actually, it's creating stuff that's keeping me up....all the things I want to do when the time comes that I'm actually free to do all of it....and working out by walking out is one of them.

Getting back to the reflective sticker business. I'm a busy woman, as you well know, so the only time I get to walk Bugs is really early in the morning before getting ready for work and after dinner, so it's relatively dark outside both times, and it's all I have to do to dodge speeding cars and try not to get killed in my own neighbourhood, so I've been giving a lot of thought about the creative ways I can be seen in the dark.

Trolling the internet provided many expensive solutions; trolling the nearest Ace Hardware store provided others. Because I didn't want to wear a bright neon highway vest a la pekerja JKR, I came out of there with a roll of bright orange reflective tape and less rm 13 in my pocket, and I just knew things would get interesting. So I carilah benda nak stick the tape onto - the leash, my dilapitated Nike Airs, and in the last 3 hours, tossing in bed trying to sleep...I have fashioned, in my mind's eye, the perfect reflective sash - very much like the ones worn by Miss Universe pageant contestants...

Ok, so here's where you wonder, "waaah Shazmin has lost it, man!" lah, I have no latent desire to compete in any beauty pageants, though many years ago in primary school I did fashion a prefect's tie from my blue school pinafore belt. I really really have nothing better to think about than this.

I'm going to post a picture of my modified glow in the dark shoes tomorrow night - if I still can't sleep!!!