Sunday, August 12, 2007

another week begins......

Whoa....must get back on track....must get back on track....

I refrained from eating a Big Apple donut all week, only to succumb to those coconut-covered chocolate balls (I had 2!) at Ikea - and they weren't even good! Sheeesh, must learn to pick my vices...

Anyway, we had a great weekend...digging hols in the garden planting new plants (see Swissie's blog for pictures) and shopping for garden furniture - we went all the way to Subang Parade because my mum said she recalled there being a furniture shop on the top floor. Well, we travelled all the way from Sg Buloh to Subang Parade and discovered that where there was a furniture mall now stands a Celebrity Fitness! O-kaaaay...that put an end to that little expedition.... I ignored the subtle universal message (ie. the gym) and we went to Ikea instead - konon-kononnya to look for these outdoor chairs/table -but really, I just wanted to eat some meatballs.

It's really great to see some old friends - and make new ones - here on this blog. I'll try and pick up more nifty little computer tricks to spruce this website up a bit!

Have a great week!!! Eat meat!



zewt said...

actually... eat more vege and exercise... that's the fastest formula.

ginseng4desoul said...

Wah... wrong timint to read your blog lah!!! Dah ler tak makan lunch, here you are giving details about meatballs and coconut balls... ayo, meleleh ler!!! Anyway, gonna miss you ler on the air!!! Mebbe I'll see you as the new tauke for Krispy Kreme? :-)

Unknown said...

Hi shaz
do you know you can put your beautiful kids pics on slides in your blog,check out and upload into blogspot, stay cool - as always, alex

Shazmin said...

Alex! Hi! thabnks for the tip! all tips welcome, as long as it improves this 'site!
Ginseng - the call of krispy kreme beckons on the air! We shall heed it! yaaaaarrr!
Zewt - don't worry about your wife getting fat. It'll happen anyway! *grin*

oliviasy said...

u'r so gonna be in the krispy kreme group. no doubt about it! dah jadi taukeh don't forget to invite me on opening day ya!

Babe_KL said...

coincidently i uploaded some big donut pics in my flickr album :p but i'm not a big fan like you haha

Babe_KL said...

opps forgot the apple in between "big donut"

nlpkul2007 said...

Shaz, that picture of on the top right, apa itu? a cat, stingray, platypus, i've trying to figure it out for some time, ke something wrong with my eyes?alex

Shazmin said...

ai yo, that's a cat lah! he's stretched out like crazy, a thing he does when he's being lazy and feeling langourous! that will be ME when I kick outta mix! yaaah!

michelleho said...

Hiya just stumbled into your blog through the obnoxious mum's blog. How have you been? Missed the Mix.FM's morning gig by you and Richard. My morning dose of radio on my way to work.
Anyways, the furniture mall was gone waaaay long time ago ler. It shifted to Carrefour next door, near the car park area. But furniture there is not that great la. I hear for nice and cheap furniture, venture into Puchong area and you will be spoint for choices.
