Thursday, August 9, 2007

Glazing it over...

My sister read my latest post and said, "Read your blog re. benua gelap - man, you can stand as a Nationalistic Party candidate (or even a member of the UK Conservative Party). But I see what you mean - very creepy to have some guy tailing you. Quite impressed by your Malay though...". And I thought, wow, so right. Some person who doesn't know me reading that post may see me like a Pauline Hanson fan or purist. I am not, I'm all for diversity. Just don't kacau my shopping and eating forays in the mall...

Speaking of which, I've SO got BIG APPLE Donuts & Coffee on the brain....! I cannot function at the moment, counting down the days to my 'cheat-day' (I'm on the protein diet at the mo) so I can toddle (or waddle?!) off to Big Apple at The Curve to eat my one glazed donut!!!! *shiver*....Sedap gilerr.... Have you guys tried it? My, at first I was sceptical...but when I sank my teeth into one of those babies, I was converted. So was Daniel and Milo! Oklah, I AM a bit of a purist; I like mine plain and just glazed, but Daniel likes the chocolate one with the mocho filling and Milo will eat anything. Sophie didn't eat hers on account she was already in bed when we came home from the mall, but she's an easy kid to feed. So is Milo, since he was happy to eat her share! LOL


Well, the protein diet is paying off...I started in the last week of June and today, Aug 10th, I'm 4 kg lighter! My orthopaedic doctor commented that I looked great and the pain in both feet has more or less disappeared. It comes back to bite me in the nose when I eat too many sausages (it's the salt/msg/preservatives/crap that they put in them), but otherwise, I think I'm CURED!!!!! Yaaay! I am soooo envisaging myself at 58kg by December. My mantra is:

"58, 58, 58!...I AM at my Perfect Weight!" me just get back to my Big Apple fantasy....


ginseng4desoul said...

Hmmm... heard a whole lot of rage on this Big Apple Donuts. But I've yet to try them. Am currently on a coffee diet since I tengah stay vigil at the hospital. Sigh... Thank God for free WIFI at starbucks at this hospital.

Sweet Bon Bon said...

I tried them donuts - they ARE GOOOOOOD!!!!! Shaz, you're making me hungry....
btw, I read that you're leaving mix. Why?!!! :-(

Shazmin said...

Jeeeeez, I'm making MYSELF hungrylah wei...! Yes, you read correctly, I want to jaga my anak and be like YOU!!! (i read your profile)...eating bonbons on the couch, watching Oprah and bossing my maid around...hahahaaa! Good life, eh??? *winkwink*

moms tales said...

Tot ur movin to Light n Easy..:)

oliviasy said...

u into donuts huh? itu macam, if krispy kreme open outlet here, all your protein diet semua flush down the toilet XD *runs away*

Shazmin said...

oooh yoh, like that matilah! My sister actually wanted to bring the KK franchise down to kl....! Maybe I should...besok aku menganggur....hehehee!

zewt said...

hate to say it but... 58 aint exactly a very good weight... oppps... (dont hate me)...

welcome to the wonderful world of blogosphere.

p/s: one quick bite on the donut wont hurt.

Shazmin said...

alamak Zewt...don't rain on my parade lah! what's wrong with 58????!!!! I'd even be happy at 68, but I'm feeling a bit the moment and need higher (or in this case, lower) targets!
BTW, a loooong time ago, before marriage and kids took its toll, I was a very scrawny 53kg - I looked like a stroke victim/survivor and not something my husband would likely want to youknowwhat.

Shazmin said...

I ate 2 (yes, TWO) of those chocolate covered coconut balls at the Ikea cafe today...nananananaaaaa!
...should have done a donut chaser...

zewt said...

now.... i wonder if my soon-to-be wife will turn out the same.

L'abeille said...

I was once 75kgs and now I'm back to 56kgs and it took me two bloody years to do it.

Keep up the good work :)

Lady Gargle said...

Does protein diet work? I read a lot about having too much protein in your body yadayadayada this and that sampai takut nak try.

Shazmin said...

l'abeille, did you stay on the protein diet THAT long???? mad, or whaaat??? LOL

Frankesteina, love your name, and yes, too much of a good thang aint good, youknowwhatI'msayin'!