Sunday, July 22, 2007

34th post

what's YOUR latte factor?

Whoooa......we got a TON of calls this morning on David Bach's book, "Start Late, Finish Rich".Honestly, speaking of Latte Factor and all, it was browsing in a bookstore, killing time that I picked up this book...and you know how that latte factor happens to be magazines and books (and bottled water, ice mocha lattes, ironically!) so of course I HAD to buy this book for RM49.95! Wow. Think of it: if I bought a book that costs an average of 50 bucks every time I walk into a bookstore (and that's about 4 times a week), I'd be spending RM800.00 a month!That's RM 9,600 a year! Crazy or what? But anyhooo...I exagerate the figures, but you get what I mean. This book's a real eye opener and I suggest that if you are:1) over 30 2) have credit card debt 3) have little or no savings 4) are working for D' Man (as opposed to yourself) , then this book is for YOU! It's not about becoming a millionaire, it's about achieving financial freedom. Happy reading! It's not to late to finish RICH, IF (and only if) you do something about it TODAY.

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