Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's been a fun, hectic week!

My God, last week was a NIGHTMARE - my favourite maid proved to be a 'talam dua muka' so we had to sack her (trust me, it's a looooong story and I just don't want to go there), and I was just embarking on a new career at RedFM, so yes, last week was FRANTIC. This week, however, was a breeze and lots of fun in the mornings on the Red Breakfast with fellow host, Will Quah, who's been absolutely lovely and welcoming, as has the rest of the team at RedFM. Thank you, guys.

I haven't updated this blog for ages, sorry about that. Not much happened when I was at home raising the kids (for 2 months - haha); it was just the usual tedious everyday stuff you all probably know and love, so there's no need to bore you with the gory details of attempted potty training, toddler tantrums, nocturnal wanderings around the house and refusals to eat. In a way, I'm kind of glad to be back at work, but I'll miss the chaos as well as the leisurely strolls down the supermarket aisles (sp?) in the morning and my solitary coffee mornings at Starbucks where I can actually READ the paper in peace.

I've GOT to tell you about my mad scramble getting to work et al, but as you know, at the mo, I've got a pair of rowdy kids tearing up the sofa to make a fort! I'll see you all later!

Check out the RedFM group on Facebook! Go to now!

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